To all who love olives
We will continue to convey the culture, charm, fun and joy of olive and olive oil together with the professionals of sensory analysis of olive oil, “Olive Oil Tasters”, that has been nurtured according to international regulations.
With regard to olive and olive oil, the Japan Olive Oil Taster Association is active with the aim of improving quality, expanding consumption, and contributing to the development and activity of the olive culture and olive industry.
As one of our activities, we have certified the world standard “Olive Oil Taster”, and many certified Tasters have been nurtured in Japan according to international regulations established by the International Olive Council (IOC). We convey the charm and correct information of olive oil to people and play an active part.
Taking these activities as one of our important missions and providing the correct knowledge and information along with the attractiveness of olive oil, we will contribute, not only to the benefit of consumers, but also to the development of the olive oil industry and the establishment of a healthy market.
President of Japan Olive Oil Taster Association
Himeyo Nagatomo
Corporate Profile

Association Name
Japan Olive Oil Taster Association (JOOTA)
Himeyo Nagatomo
Vice president
Raffaele Disanti
Enter the competition today!
Your olive oil is one-of-a-kind, and it’s time to show that to the world! Submit your product to the JOOTA AWARDS and start your journey towards conquering the market of Japan.